Saturday, January 28, 2012

Throw Ups

Arty Graffarti did a great post on Y-aieks and reminded me to think about Throw ups and take them seriously.  They really are the woven fabric of the street.  They have the ability to set the mood of a lane like no other.  Walk past them, and you are walking past walls that talk.  Throw ups contain mystery and history.  One crew over another. Codes of ethics.  Tags and territory.  The origins of graffiti, locally grown.  

If you want to get more 'High Brow' and analyse this with an Art narrative have a look at 'How to Read Graffiti' or of course, Google anything you want.  But this is a good read.

TV Crew

So when you are out next, go search out a throw up, look at it, imagine the can, the hand, the hoody.  Throw ups speak the politics of what graffiti is and does.  And graffiti is the Godfather of the street.  

Zac - TV Crew

Visible from Brunswick Street, and probably not a crowd pleaser...then again, why not?


Sadly this wall is gone now, but I would argue that the Lush Sold Out wall was for a long time, the greatest showcase for throw ups in Fitzroy

Friday, January 20, 2012

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Nothing but love

The Sutton Gallery project space ''cleaned up" some pretty ancient Art....and left one word, Love

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Scrawl This

Originally uploaded by thefitzroyflasher

The Sprawl

The Urban Scrawl crew TigTab, Blacklodge, Kaff-Eine and Precious have mastered the art of anticipation.  The Blacklodge teasers have been too good!!! I cannot WAIT for this exhibition (check the Fb link if you still don't know what I am talking about).  So I am not sure I can articulate the thrill I received yesterday when I followed the Claw and along the way, found a trail of Urban Scrawl magnets.  I stopped myself from collecting them, because I wanted to write this post, so that others may discover.  I found about 20 of these, I am sure there are more. I do have a few on my fridge though. I have photographed each find but I will just give you a few.  My suggestion is s look for anything metal down the lanes, maybe a couple near previous Kaff-Eine and Precious collab, the rest scattered.  As tempting as it is to say more, I refrain...

Saturday, January 14, 2012

The Claw

Today was a visual feast for street art bloggers and photographers. The Melbourne Street Art crew hit Fitzroy, Collingwood, Carlton Nth and Bidirectional Lane.  I stayed local, of course, and took myself on an adventure following those clawed hands we are seeing creeping from the drains. Along the way, some Blacklodge and TigTab magnets were scattered.  I will dedicate the next post to them, and the upcoming much anticipated Urban Scrawl.

Saturday, January 7, 2012

A Piece of Juddy

It opened onto an already creative streetscape, so expectations were high, and we eagerly anticipated the evolution of the space, which has been phenomenal.  For some of the substantial pieces click here, where I am collating a Juddophile Juddy File.  Everyone wants a piece on, or of, the Juddy Roller...

New BabyGrrrl, under an old stencil that has been around for years

Doctor is pasting some fresh cheese

Seen a few of these around, let me know if you know the artist (and below)

More Doctor, and Klara

This poster has lasted so long, with a bit if Lush, SF and DN

Klara (above), Doctor binning it, and I think matters are desperate for SF...

Lush all over the shutters



Colin, an emerging artist of interest, with Mullet on Brown Brick