Sunday, June 3, 2012


They appeared en masse one typical Melbourne morning.  There was dappled sunlight and a chill in the air.  The drone of traffic was a reminder that Fitzroy is bounded by all roads leading to work. For reasons beyond comprehension a couple were eating donuts from the new shop on Brunswick St as they waited for the 112.  Each tram was full and unbeknownst to all an A2 mystery had descended upon us.  A bombing mystery.

There are several reasons to classify this bombing as a mystery.

First, each piece consistently 'capped' really really good and larger pieces and throwies.  

Second, this only happened once, like a visitation from a different world.


Third, there seemed to be a heiroglyphic flavour to the messages they were sending, or trying to send.


Of course no capping can go unchallenged and TV Crew rapidly expressed their disapproval, although I am not sure if Peezer has noticed yet.  So this bombing has become a pile of ruins, evidence of an event that anthropologically, has no explanation.


Rore said...

i thought they were fresh, didn't even notice except one or two that they were even over another peice, showz how observant i aint. ha, or that the pasterz were just freshere

Unknown said...

Yeah I think the paste ups are great when you just look at them in isolation, particularly because they seem to have some kind of message. Or maybe I read to much into things lol. And is the placement deliberate? I just don't know...

Unknown said...

Thanks for all your comments by the way it is good to see someone responding. I wish there was more!!! I get responses on Facebook but because not everyone looks there it makes it hard for everyone to see the threads.

Anonymous said...

we caught some of the people who did this we shouted at them but didnt steal their camera